Feb 12, 2011

IE 9 RC, High Tech Browser

Now, its Microsoft turn to impress us with IE9 after the mind-blowing Xbox-Kinect.

Its not the final version, it is the Release Candidate, the final step before the big launch.

To be honest, it is pretty awesome. I was using IE Beta version for the past few months, as the name suggest it was beta, not the best. The user experience was great but, lot of bugs.

Accessing Facebook using IE 9 beta was a nightmare, even in compatibility mode the text were not aligned properly to the posts.

Even, I had troubles accessing Hotmail and the home page never gets updated!

Almost everything is fixed now, the time for the great experience begins!
Microsoft is desperate to win back the web browser market share, which it lost to its competitors, Mozilla and Chrome.

IE market share dropped 6% last year and finished a historic low of 56%, which is a great disaster for Microsoft.  

So what is in IE 9?

Its packed with good technical features, Hardware acceleration, Simple clean UI, HTML 5, W3C, Inbuilt download manager, hang resistance, compatibility view and many more. 

IE 9 with Windows 7 is really impressive.

I am big fan of Mozilla, I changed my default web browser to Mozilla from IE, now, I am going back to basics, IE9.

Try downloading the IE 9 RC, browser through IE 9 website, lot of features, clearly explained.

Try the Maze solver in IE 9, Mozilla and other browser. IE 9 wins, only 29seconds, other browsers, not able to cope up.  Very Impressive!

Enjoy the experience. I strongly believe IE 9 final release will be extraordinary.

IE 9 Download


1 comment:

calvin said...

IE9 is really interesting... Faster, Reliable with HTML 5 and may more....